In 2020, there was a shortage of masks and hygiene products during the pandemic. While concerns were raised about the adequacy of protective gear for frontline healthcare workers, Timmy, an alumnus of the HKFYG and a surgeon in Hong Kong, quietly held the fort and battled the virus during that moment. Save lives is the mission of doctors.

In the face of the pandemic of the century, which was a cause for concern for everyone, Timmy was brave enough to take on the challenge and humbly said, “Surgeons are not at the forefront of the fight against the pandemic, but as the situation got worse, colleagues in the department were prepared to support the specialities whose services were in great demand as a result of the outbreak”.

At that time, the original surgical service had been postponed due to the pandemic and some patients were mad and scolded the medical staff. Even though he was scolded for no reason, he still said positively, “We all know what it is like to be sick, and we hope that patients will understand through more communication.

During high school, Timmy served as the head prefect and participated in various leadership training programs organized by the HKFYG. “These training programs allowed me to step out of my comfort zone of friends and get to know other outstanding young people, learning from each other,” he said. The purpose of the “Hong Kong 200” leadership project, which is “My Commitment To Hong Kong,” made him feel the connection between Hong Kong and himself, and inspired him to serve the community.

After graduating from medical school, he joined the Hospital Authority to help those in need. Despite the shortage of staff in the hospital, Timmy became even more determined and stated that his work was not only challenging but also gave him a sense of accomplishment in serving the public. Timmy, who enjoys challenging himself, took on the role of the Chairman of the “Hong Kong 200 Association” from 2015 to 2017, sharing his experiences and inspiring new members.

The workload and pressure on healthcare workers increased during the pandemic. Besides clapping in appreciation, Timmy earnestly said, “Take personal protective measures and minimize risks. That is the greatest support for healthcare workers.” He encouraged everyone to serve society with good health and well-being.