During the pandemic in 2020, the slogan “pausing school, not education” has transformed into a new teaching model, with online platforms and the internet becoming the primary venues for learning instead of just supplementary tools. Many teachers have taken on the role of Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) or YouTubers, continuing to nurture talents online. Dicky, an alumnus of the HKFYG and a secondary school teacher, was no exception.

Dicky served as the student union president and later participated in the “Hong Kong 200” leadership program organized by the HKFYG during high school, which further enhanced his leadership skills. Dicky mentioned that the most appealing aspect of the program was the opportunity to meet students from different schools who had leadership positions, allowing for mutual learning. During his exchange trip to the mainland as part of the programme, he not only gained a better understanding of mainland China but also engaged in in-depth discussions with fellow participants about the challenges they faced in their leadership roles. “Everyone has different leadership styles. Understanding others’ views better helps in solving team problems.” He realised it via the programme.

Moreover, field trips to places like Morning Bazaar ignited his passion for community and understanding societal needs. After graduating from university, he took up the teaching profession, aspiring to impact lives and educate the next generation to give back to society.

Online learning has presented both challenges and opportunities for educators in the pandemic. Dicky studied various types of online teaching tools to enhance students’ efficiency in learning from home, he then shared his findings with other teachers too. This not only helped maintain the progress of the curriculum but also boosted teachers’ morale and promoted research on teaching quality. Dicky continued to make a difference offline, he participated as a guest on the radio program “Ask Online for Homework,” providing academic support to students learning from home during the class suspension.

On the other hand, he acts as a driver to assist friends in collecting epidemic-prevention supplies and delivering them to various areas to ensure that those in need are protected. When the pandemic persists in 2020, Dicky encouraged students not to lose faith and to make good use of this time to rest or explore different interests and encouraged public exam candidates to bravely face the difficulties and looks forward to a reunion after the exams, where they can share their stories.