Alumni Story

May 4, 2024

We Grow Up in HKFYG

Joining the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups (HKFYG) in 2012, Anson Wong has played a key role in various HKFYG projects, including being a core member of the 36th Neighbourhood Team, Chairperson of the Neighbourhood First‧Youth Roundtable, a member of the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups’ Youth Services Advisory Committee, and a member of the “Start-up Hong Kong”, etc., and she has always been active in social services in the community. However, she used to be an introverted girl who was easily nervous and lacked self-confidence. Recalling her first encounter with the HKFYG 12 years ago, as the […]
May 4, 2024

The Amazing Innovation Journey

Ivan Wong has been passionate about technology and education since he was a child. Since secondary school, he has been self-learning programming and has created YouTube and Instagram channels to share his learning with others. Turning the pandemic into an opportunity When Ivan was at university during the pandemic, he had the opportunity to launch an online platform to help students solve their learning problems by sharing note-taking when work and classes were suspended. Ivan and their friends joined the Inno Impact Youth Creative Practice Programme of the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups (HKFYG) in 2021. The programme aims […]
May 4, 2024

Holding the Fort

In 2020, there was a shortage of masks and hygiene products during the pandemic. While concerns were raised about the adequacy of protective gear for frontline healthcare workers, Timmy, an alumnus of the HKFYG and a surgeon in Hong Kong, quietly held the fort and battled the virus during that moment. Save lives is the mission of doctors. In the face of the pandemic of the century, which was a cause for concern for everyone, Timmy was brave enough to take on the challenge and humbly said, “Surgeons are not at the forefront of the fight against the pandemic, but […]
May 4, 2024

Sharing the Surplus

The months of February and March in 2020 were a familiar season, but due to the impact of the pandemic, daily life was no longer ordinary. While everyone was busy with epidemic prevention, there was a group of people who gathered supplies and shared them with vulnerable communities in need, helping them to overcome the pandemic. Peann, an alumna of the HKFYG was one of them. During her time as the student union president and captain of the basketball team in high school, Peann participated in various leadership training programs organized by the HKFYG, including the “Hong Kong 200” leadership […]
May 4, 2024

Silent Care

 “Two boxes, thanks!” was a familiar phrase in 2020 when people found masks available for sale online, and they would leave comments to purchase them. Amid the scarcity of masks, many people still donated masks to the needy. Former student union president and alumnus of the HKFYG, Lok-chi Tsang was no exception. In addition to organizing friends to collect epidemic prevention supplies, she also developed a new type of mask to facilitate lip-reading communication for the hearing-impaired, showing care for the neglected group. In 2009, during her term as the school’s student union president, Lok-chi participated in leadership training programs […]
May 4, 2024

Pausing School, Not Education

During the pandemic in 2020, the slogan “pausing school, not education” has transformed into a new teaching model, with online platforms and the internet becoming the primary venues for learning instead of just supplementary tools. Many teachers have taken on the role of Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) or YouTubers, continuing to nurture talents online. Dicky, an alumnus of the HKFYG and a secondary school teacher, was no exception. Dicky served as the student union president and later participated in the “Hong Kong 200” leadership program organized by the HKFYG during high school, which further enhanced his leadership skills. Dicky mentioned […]
May 4, 2024

Creating Possibilities with Limited Resources

The academic year of 2019-2020 was a turbulent time for students. Yoyo, an alumnus of the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups (HKFYG) and a candidate for the DSE that year, overcame the psychological pressure of the exam and made the year extraordinary by organizing voluntary activities. In 2020, when news about the public examination was causing anxiety among the candidates. Yoyo was not only concerned about the exam but also the grassroots elderly who couldn’t afford the masks. She started a crowdfunding campaign to buy masks and anti-epidemic materials for the elderly to fight against the epidemic, she even […]